What Does “NPC” Mean?

By Jax

The abbreviation “NPC” stands for “Non-player Character.” It refers to a type of character lacking personality, often found in video games, and is also used to describe someone who appears to lack an individual outlook or personality.

The term can be confrontational and indicates that someone is trying to tell the other person they are “dumb.” The abbreviation is not necessarily safe for work, but it is safe for children.

Examples and other meanings

“You’re a total NPC, dude”

  • Emotion: Offensive
  • Intention: In many cases, cyberbullying or teasing occur using the abbreviation “NPC” to indicate that someone is “dumb.”

“I feel like a total NPC around all of these smart people.”

  • Emotion: Reflective
  • Intention: It’s possible that someone might refer to themselves as an NPC if they are feeling inferior or less intelligent compared to others.

Popularity over time

The abbreviation “NPC” began trending in 2022 and is primarily used in social media contexts.


The term “NPC” refers to a non-player character, often found in video games, and is also used to describe someone who seems to lack personality or originality. This abbreviation began trending in 2022 and is primarily used in social media contexts.